The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics, by Fritjof Capra

Wow.. the book was great, at least for clearing up for me the difference in between the westing mind-set, and the oriental one. We as westerners are born to think in precise terms, atheism is on our lips everyday, and most of us do not find any difference in between spirituality, religion, love. We take life really mathematical, adding and multiplying people with apples, and animals with colors; our world is economy, profit and the mathematics of it.

Orientals think in a different way, the world is an abstract being, the economy, social structure, and life are just some manifestations of the "abstract being".

Thus for westerners will be tempted to conclude that two clapping hands create a kid-game, or an applause; while the orientals will view the the same event as a complex metaphor in the koan "Two hands clap and there is a sound; what is the sound of one hand?"

This is just a brief of what one will find in the book, probably for the physics addicts, there is even more.

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