Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

A must read book for any "The Doors" band fans.. :)

As a university student, the book was one of the first to open up my curiosity for spirituality, other means of communication between the people, other means of understanding and seeing life, the beauty of life. Probably there has to be some kind of balance for my IT/engineering professional life.. :)

Briefly the Huxley presents his thoughts and perceptions on life while being drugged with mescaline, a traditional Indian drug made out of a cactus.
Starting from this, the book is an essay on other means of perception.

I would recommend in the same category, readings from Wade Davis, Carlos Castaneda, Fritjof Capra, James Redfield, and of course other suggestions from Amazon.. :)

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

Other than the great presentation of the theories of the universe in common words, I especially enjoyed the continuous reminder of the possible place for God in our new world, on a theory to theory basis.. :)

Also the modesty of the writer is impressive, I find amazing Hawking's openness to new ideas, and his ability to change minds in the name of science, even if that means to give up fighting for his own theories.